How I Became a Gardener

Ever since I can remember I have loved being in the garden. When I was a young child my mother's side of my family taught me the art of growing bromeliads, while my father’s side showed me the best ways to grow vegetables and begonias. During college, I received a BA in History, Women’s Studies and English at the University of Houston AND I became obsessed with house plants which led to a major container garden on my back porch. Oh, how I loved to nurture my own plants and then watch them grow. After college I found a community garden and went through a master gardening program where I learned how to make vegetables. At this time I only considered gardening to be a hobby. It didn’t occur to me to garden for work even though it set me alight.

Eventually I did realize I could use my love of plants to make a living. I managed a landscape design firm based in Austin for a few years and fell in love with the work.  In 2021 I moved to Santa Fe to be close to my mother. In no time I found my way to the Santa Fe Master Gardening program where I learned about high-desert gardening and native plants that work best in Santa Fe.

My motivations for starting a garden business go beyond a love of plants. I want to help my new community reverse habitat loss. If you add the right plants to your garden, pollinators will come - birds, butterflies and bees add pulsing life, beautiful sounds and cute tweets to your yard that will help to draw you outdoors. 

This brings me to the ultimate goal of my designs: to create a space that draws you outdoors and then holds you and your pollinator neighbors comfortably there.

Holly Del Monico Gardener Headshot

Holly Del Monico